While purchasing a new router, you should change default network name and password. It is advised to change your password once in six months. Then you will have to follow the on-screen instructions for changing your password. The default username and password are admin/Admin. However, this set does not work all the times. We are here to help you as we have come up with a method that is not only an easy method but also an effective method. Please follow the instructions given below. Let’s find the easiest way of how to change wi-fi password.
How to change your Wi-Fi password?
Type your router's IP address on your web browser
Press the Enter key
It will help you to make login into your router
Use your login username and password
The default username and password are admin or Admin
If these don’t work, please check the back side of your device
You may also contact your internet service provider or the router's manufacturer for these credentials
Go to the top or left side menu of the page
Find out the Wireless, Wireless Security, WLAN, or Wi-Fi Settings option
Enter a strong password in the Wi-Fi Password or Key text box
Save the changes.
In this regard, you may install router's companion app and use it to change your current Wi-Fi password from the mobile device. Go to the SETTINGS tab and find out the Wi-Fi security option. You can find it to modify your Wi-Fi password. While changing the password, you should keep in mind that the current password also needs to be entered along with the old one. This is how you can update your Wi-Fi password.